The Cate Family update  

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It has been eight months. It seems like just yesterday, but eight busy months have passed since we moved from Kings Lynn. The Lord has done amazing things in and with our family since we left, so we thought it would be a good time to share what has been happening in those eight long months.
Leaving was a very sad decision for us, and it was only because we felt it was the Lord's leading that we were able to make that decision; we prayed very hard that He would give us the strength to make another move across the world, and we saw the Lord clear the way before us. Before we even packed up the house, the Lord provided a job interview for me, so I flew to Boulder, CO to talk with a company about managing a coffee shop; I started work there three days later. I have a friend that I knew moved to CO not too long ago, but wasn't sure where he was living, come to find out it was about 20 minutes from my new job and I was able to stay with him long enough to find an apartment to rent. The Lord also provided a car for me to use through our good friend Alex Spampinato, which was a huge blessing. So in a matter of days, I found a job, a place to stay then a place to live, and a car. What a huge God we serve! Carleigh and the kids joined me soon after, and we have since started settling in to our new life here. The job is still going well, and I enjoy every day. The biggest blessing here though has been our new church. We found a small church in our town called Whitefields Community Church, which is a solid Bible teaching church full of on fire people. We have been able to get involved in childrens ministry, website and graphic design ministry, and setting up for Sunday mornings. We have been blessed getting to know our pastor Pete Nelson, and his family, and look forward seeing how the Lord can use us; simple sinners.
We have been reminded once again about the faithfulness of the Lord. When looking at the possibility of moving from England, we were very sad, and couldn't understand how this could be God's perfect plan for our life; but once again we get to see (even if it's only little by little) God's plan coming together. And even though we still miss all of our dear friends in King's Lynn, we undstand all the better What our Lord says in Isaiah - ""For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."" (Isaiah 55:8-9)

The Attacks of Satan  

Posted by Calvary King's Lynn in

"And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage), to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you."
Galatians 2:4-5

  • Satan won't always attack from the outside. When you think of any war, a key part is having people inside the enemy's camp. Satan will try anything to crush the work of God. He has many tricks up his sleeves. At our Men's study we are going through Nehemiah right now and it really shows the ways the enemy attacks. In chapter 4, Satan attacks from the outside using Sanballat and his people who said they were going to attack. In chapter 5, Satan attacks from within using poverty. In chapter 6, Satan sneak attacks using Sanballat to try and scare Nehemiah.
  • They didn't give in, not even for a second. There are 2 things that made this possible. 1. They were equipped with the armor of God and were able to extinguish the fiery darts of the enemy. So when he attacked, they saw it for what it was an stood strong. 2. They had a strong foundation in God, Matthew 7:24-27 talks about the man who built his house on the rock and was strong in the storm. If your prayer and devotional life is sandy, when the fiery darts come, you will be taken down. The greatest example in the word is when the crowd shouted "Crucify Him!" Just a few chapters before they were laying down palm branches when he entered the city. They went with the crowd because it was easy. They didn't have rock solid foundations so they were washed into condemning Jesus. Paul saw that making a stand on this point was vital because if they hadn't stood strong it would have changed the whole gospel.
  • So how do we spot false brothers? Phillipians 2:5-8 shows what WE should look like: humble, a servant, and obedient. Having a rock solid prayer life is key. God will reveal the counterfeits by the Holy Spirit in you. So don't be afraid to make a stand!

Band Together  

Posted by Calvary King's Lynn in

"Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also. And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain. But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised:" Galatians 2:1-3

  • Here Paul is describing his second trip to Jerusalem. This time he took Barnabas (Acts 4:36-37, Acts 9:27, Acts 15:12) and Titus. Barnabas, Paul and Titus are like generations. Barnabas was like the father and vouched for Paul before the apostles. Acts 9:27. Titus on the other hand was like Paul's spiritual son. Titus had been one of the many Paul had led to the Lord in Tarsus. Paul and Titus were a team. 2 Corinthians 2:13, 2 Corinthians 7:6, 2 Corinthians 8:23. The reason they were united is because 2 Corinthians 8:6 says that Titus had the same earnest care for the people that Paul did. They were united by their love for the people. This made me think of a huge battle (In my mind it was something like Lord of the Rings but for you older folks it may be World War 2 :P). When they attack they fight side by side. When people separate, its easier for the enemy to pick then off. We as Christians will be much more effective if we band together like Paul, Barnabas, and Titus.
  • Paul went up because God told him to. He understood the importance of being in God's will. In his ministry, Paul probably had first hand experience with spiritual warfare and knew he was vulnerable when he was outside of God's will by himself. When you are smack dab in the center of His will, you are under his control not the enemy's.
  • During the time of this visit, the church was having an issue over gentiles (Non-Jewish believers). Some said gentiles could be saved only if they became Jews first. So the leaders of the church wanted to know what Paul taught so he "communicated the gospel he preached to the gentiles."
  • I love the sensitivity of Paul in these verses. He had to correct the leaders but he did it in private. Paul having unity in his heart was trying to build up not tear down so he took the leaders aside and laid it out for them. The whole situation was bathed in love and grace which is always how we should handle the situations in our life.
  • Paul was seeking to avoid a split with the church. He knew this was a hot point and didn't want to give the enemy any room to work. If he had cause division with the Jerusalem church, false teachers would have destroyed his work thus far and made his work in vain. I am so quick to say "Oh why God, are you letting Satan attack me! Poor old me!" when I am the one who opened the door up for the enemy to attack in the first place! Paul was quiet, attentive, sensitive, and graceful and because of this he avoided a fight and denied the enemy a foothold.
  • When you are faced with a problem, take the attitude of Paul and "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." Lower yourself and let God do the rest! Cover the whole situation in prayer and the enemy won't have room to move!