We have been talking for a while about starting a ministry to support Church plants and missionaries, and on Friday we started taking steps to make that happen. After our young adult study on Friday, we were talking about the vision behind and ministry, and how to make it all happen. We believe supporting missionaries is one of the most vital parts of the church, as we, like I am sure you, take Matthew 28:19-20 very seriously.
We know from having moved across the world, that often times the most stressful things for a missionary is the finances, and we wanted to be able to be a blessing to people or churches that are struggling in that area. For us the most encouraging verse regarding this subject is definitely Matthew 6:26 which says: "Look at the bird of the air, they neither sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" We want to encourage missionaries in the promise that God will supply all their needs.
We have decided to call this ministry Speiro, which is the Greek word for sow, as is found in the verse in Matthew mentioned earlier. The verse in Matthew can be taken two very different ways whether you are looking at it from a missionary's point of view, or from a believers point of view. If we are at home, supporting missionaries around the world, we can read this verse as having the opportunity to supply the needs of missionaries, and this can be seen as sowing into the Kingdom of Heaven. Someone involved in missionary work can read this as being able to focus on the task given them, and not having to worry about the sowing or reaping or gathering into barns in the financial sense.
The way this ministry works is we, as a church, make handmade journals and jewelry and sell them, with 100% of the proceeds going directly to missionaries and church plants. As things start to come together, we will continue to update you on the growth of this ministry, as well as opportunities for you to get involved. Below is some pictures of a few of the journals we have started. Please be praying for this ministry, that it would be used by God to bless people around the world. If you have any ideas, please feel free to share them with us!
Front cover (one of many designs)
Back cover
Hand saddle stitched pages
This entry was posted
on Monday, June 15, 2009
at Monday, June 15, 2009
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We are working on getting a website and such all organzied and set up so that we will be able to sell them. We will let you know when that is up and running.
July 1, 2009 at 2:27 PM